Covid-19 Safety Protocols
Please note, the following procedures will be implemented for all winter programs:
Everyone entering anY Yorkville activity, whether indoor or outdoor, will have their temperature taken. Anyone with a fever or other signs of illness will be asked to return home for the day.
All adults (coaches/parents/officials) must wear face masks at all times during any indoor or outdoor activity.
Each sport will provide face mask rules for children prior to the first day of programs.
Scheduling will allow 15-20 minutes after games/lessons end for participants to leave the area before the next group arrives.
During times when players are not actively participating in competition (e.g., during practice, on the sideline, or in the dugout), children must maintain social distancing by allowing a 6 foot distance between one another.
Yorkville staff will be responsible for disinfecting all necessaryΒ game equipment before and between sessions.Β
No Hi-fives, fist bumps, hugging, it is important to limit physical contact.
Players/Coaches should bring water bottles already filled, there will be absolutely no use of the fountain.
Only one person will be allowed in bathroom/locker room at a time.
If a coach/player/parent who has been present at an activity becomes infected this should be communicated to the Yorkville administration immediately. We owe it to our community to know as well.
Anyone feeling ill is asked to stay home.
In addition to these safety measures, we will also abide by any additional protocols required by our location partners.